Cara cek Kode Pos Setiap Daerah di Taiwan



Postal codes in Taiwan

Postal codes in Taiwan is a system of three plus three (3+3) numeral digits used by Chunghwa Post, the government-owned postal service in Taiwan.

臺北市:Taipei City

這是臺北市(Taipei City) 郵遞區號的頁面列表。 它的詳細信息如下。

Taiwan Postal Code

Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. There are more than 75521 Taiwan Postcode in this website, ... Taiwan Code Postal · 臺北市:Taipei City · 台灣郵遞區號 · 新北市:New Taipei City

[PDF] Postcode List for Taiwan (Simplified)

Postcode List for Taiwan (Simplified). Listed in Postcode Order from 100xx to 983xx. Jul-19. Note: Taiwan uses a five digit postcode, of which areas can be ...

The Post Office in Taipei City The fourth digit of“Computerized No.”is ...

National Taiwan University Post Office(Taipei Branch 23). Address, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da-an Dist., Taipei 106216, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Zip Code, 106240.

Zip Code - Welcome to Chunghwa POST

No.55, Sec. 2, Jinshan S. Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106409, Taiwan (R.O.C.).

What is the zip code of Taiwan?

Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. There are more than 75,521 Taiwan Postcode in this ...

Postcode Changes in Taiwan 3 + 2

Postcodes in Taiwan changed in Match of this year from a 3 + 2 format (eg. 10058) to a 3 + 3 format (eg. 100013).

Taiwan, Taipei, Tainan Area and ZipPostal Code

City / County, Area Code, Zip Code. Taipei City, 8862, 100. Kaohsiung City, 8867, 800. Keelung City, 8862, 200. Hsinchu City, 8863, 300.


PostalcodesinTaiwanisasystemofthreeplusthree(3+3)numeraldigitsusedbyChunghwaPost,thegovernment-ownedpostalserviceinTaiwan.,這是臺北市(TaipeiCity)郵遞區號的頁面列表。它的詳細信息如下。,Taiwanpostcodewillbeupgradedto6digitsinMarch2020,adoptingthe3+3format.Therearemorethan75521TaiwanPostcodeinthiswebsite, ...TaiwanCodePostal·臺北市:TaipeiCity·台灣郵遞區號·新北市:NewTaipeiCity,PostcodeListforTaiwa...